
PA to reach out to working youth, new citizens


The people's association will be hosting lunchtime programs to help stress the importantance of racial harmony, aiming to bring the community together, and also to help new citizens feel more at home. This programs is targeted at young and new citizens.

I feel that the PAP has a good attempt at forging better bonds between neighbours, as these activities will allow them to be closer to each other. It also allows to get closer to the Singaporean youth, to get better understanding of how and what the younger generation of Singapore think, and to get a better grasp of what lies ahead in the future. To the new citizens, this also offers them a way to blend into life in Singapore and know their nieghbours better.

To these new citizens, this is their best way of finding their way around as a a new Singaporean. This provides an unique opponurity for them to understand the society and culture norms in the the country, to better prepare them for what may lie ahead.

However, I also feel that a better approach can be used, like for example activities that lasts longer, and that causes the citizens to be more involved. I think this is a better approach as a more involving program will allow the citizens to each other better as they will be doing things together, instead of listening to something together.

This, however, is a biased view from a student who would have more time than somebody aged 25-35. The PAP may have taken into account the busy schedules for most people as they need to work. Also, the above suggestion is made by a student who attends camps which can devote plenty of time to team-bonding.

In conclusion, I think it is a good idea for the PAP to initiate this program.

More are spending money and time to learn foreign languages


More and more teenagers are taking up foreign languages in their free times for various reasons, be it for better communication with others or to plan ahead for their future. This trend can be observed with figures, with four times as many pupils signing up for arabic now than 2 years ago. Problems relating to this trend are also brought up, for example the lack of of teachers to meet demands as well as unaccredited private school having the possiblity of having low-quality curriculum.

After reading this article, I felt that it provided with us a refreshing view of how many Singaporeans are investing their time on broadening their horizion by learning new languages out of their free time. This trend will no doubt help strengthen these people's social circle as they will be able to communicate with more people. This is something many of us can from, as many of us chooses to spend our time playing computer games, instead of learning and trying out something new.

This trend can mean a lot to many different people. For people interested in learning other languages, this infomation will mean better quality of lessons as more will enter into the market to compete. This makes their perhaps previous indecision much easier to make. It can also cause many people to follow exampls and take up courses in an attempt of learning more things. To the MoE, it also shows that we are very interested in learning things through our own initative.

In conclusion, I feel that this piece of infomation tells me how I can better spend my free time instead of wasting it on games. It can also serve as a teaching tool for other students.